A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
Banner: Will Quinn

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Riverside Speakeasy

In The Locked Room, Diana inserted many references to events in The Woman in Blue. For details, see my post: Hidden Messages in the Locked Room. In the first chapter of Echoes of a Violin, a new Caffrey Conversation story, I returned the favor. And yes, I'm being more than slightly self-indulgent to have my characters throw a party to celebrate a story's completion. I am now searching for the perfect lava lamp for the writer's cave. Penna wrote about interactions between authors and characters in her latest post. Could I have taken it too far?

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Authors and Characters

It started with an idea for a holiday story inspired by A Christmas Carol, where the Caffrey Conversation version of Peter would talk to the White Collar canon version of Peter. It turned into an opportunity to reflect on our role as writers.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Arkham Files Bestiary

Many of the creatures found in the Arkham Files are based on H.P. Lovecraft's designs, but Diana has taken dramatic license with their attributes. Some of the creatures, such as chittaks, were created by her. Assisting her in the project is one of Neal's friends from Columbia University, Richard Carlisle. Richard is a sculptor and, like Neal, a graduate student in the visual arts program.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Hidden Messages in the Locked Room

As part of the Arkham Round Table's strategy to bring down the cybercriminal Azathoth, Diana sprinkled many references to The Woman in Blue and Azathoth's house of horror in The Locked Room.