Why is it that Silbrith and I are so drawn to holiday stories for this AU? After all, the series White Collar wasn't known for holiday episodes. The closest I can recall are the reference to Peter & Elizabeth's wedding anniversary in the pilot episode, and a later episode when El's parents visited on her birthday.
There are some plot bunnies that hop up to us with ideas full of action and adventure, or with tantalizing cases and cons. However, a few plot bunnies call on the characters to move out of their routine of solving cases and to reflect on what they've done and where they're going. For me, those are the bunnies that fit best with the holidays.
Often holidays are times when emotions run high. I've certainly experienced happy holidays and sad ones, holidays with lots of people and holidays alone, holidays at home or at the homes of others or at hotels in various locations. All of those variations inspire ideas for stories.
I love the mix of fluff and angst, and holidays are ideal for that combination. In addition, holidays are an ideal setting for bringing in characters who wouldn't normally be part of a case-based story, such as Neal's grandparents. Of course, there's also the fact that I tend to get more time off work to write around the holidays, so writing often corresponds with the mood of those periods.
Here are some of the holidays and celebrations we've featured in the series so far, and the stories in which they're included. The year next to the title refers to Neal's timeline.
New Year's: By the Book - 2004 (the party spans several chapters), Caffrey Aloha - 2005 (New Year's Eve is chapter 2, New Year's Day is chapter 3)
Noelle and Joe's Wedding: Caffrey Aloha - 2005
Peter's Birthday: Caffrey Vignettes: Treasure Hunt - 2004, Caffrey Vignettes: Wish on a Star - 2005
Valentine's Day: The Mirror - 2005 , Standing Stones - Arkham Files 1976, Progress of Love - 2006
Mardi Gras: Voodoo Remoulade - 2006
Tac-Con sci-fi convention: The Mirror - 2005
St. Patrick's Day: Caffrey Envoy - 2004, Caffrey Vignettes: Spring Break - 2005
Neal's birthday: Caffrey Flashback - 2004, Caffrey Vignettes: Casual Day - 2005
April Fools: Caffrey Vignettes: April Fool - 2005
Peeper Jamboree (frog festival): Whispers in the Night - 2005
May the Fourth: Penny Exchange - 2006
Mother's Day: Caffrey Vignettes: Homecoming - 2005
Memorial Day: Echoes of a Violin 2005
Father's Day: Caffrey Disclosure - 2004, Fireflies at Midnight - 2005
Summer Solstice (Litha): Fireflies at Midnight - 2005
Independence Day: Caffrey Disclosure - 2004, Nocturne in Black and Gold - 2005
Comic-Con: Nocturne in Black and Gold - 2005
Henry's birthday/Caffrey family reunion and Renaissance festival: Caffrey Disclosure - 2004
Labor Day: Harlequin's Shadow - 2005
Fall Equinox (Mabon): Night Howls on the Hudson - 2005
New York Renaissance Festival: Night Howls on the Hudson - 2005
Sara's Birthday: The Musicians - 2005, Thief in the Woods - 2006
N-Con gaming convention: The Woman in Blue - 2004
Columbia University Family Day: The Woman in Blue - 2004
Halloween: Caffrey Conversation Halloween Trivia Challenge
The Woman in Blue - 2004, The Crypt - Arkham Files 1975, Columbia Ghost Story - 2005, Bewitched - 2006, Strange Signals - Arkham Files 1976, Slimed - 2007. Witches and vampires haunt the Crossed Lines series. The stories of Arkham Files also have spooky themes.
Thanksgiving: The Queen's Jewels - 2004, Lion's Lair - Arkham Files 1975, Set in Amber - 2006, Overcomplications - 2007
Christmas: Early Christmas Concert: Choirboy Caffrey - 2003
Early Christmas in New York: An Evening with Genji - 2004
Christmas: In the Driver's Seat - 2003, Caffrey Vignettes: Grandmother's House - 2003, Caffrey Aloha - 2004, A Caffrey Christmas Carol - 2005, Time Crystals - Arkham Files 1975, Movie Night - 2006
Christmas and New Year's Eve: Italian Masquerade - 2005, Sands of Abydos - Arkham Files 1975
I hope we've covered some the the holidays you celebrate, and have added to your happy memories!
Penna and I intend to update the list with future celebrations that occur. We hope that when you're in the mood, you'll join the Caffrey Conversation crew for some fluffy good times!