A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
Banner: Will Quinn

Monday, February 18, 2019

I like spoilers

I confess. I like spoilers.

I'm sure why, exactly. Is it because many of the surprises in my life have been bad news? Or because I've been burned by stories and movies that let me down after I became invested in the characters?

In the last few years, the only ending I'm happy I didn't see coming was the season 1 finale of The Good Place.

One of the great things about being an editor/beta reader for Silbrith is that I get to read the end of her stories so early. We even discuss the plots in advance, so I generally know what to expect. Fortunately she likes spoilers, too, so I'm free to brainstorm ideas and endings for stories I'm working on, and she doesn't want to strangle me.

The challenge then is to keep my end notes and responses to comments spoiler-free, as I realize there are readers out there who don't want spoilers.

If there's a downside to participating in the annual Chocolate Box exchange, it's that I have to keep quiet about what stories I'm writing. I can't share what I'm writing, because at the reveal authors are anonymous. And authors remain anonymous for a week. So here I am, bursting with excitement about the stories I wrote for the exchange, and I can't tell you! I want to give hints. I want to share thoughts about them, but no, that would go against the anonymous spirit of the exchange.

So, I will be patient a little longer. Instead I'll use this time to thank Silbrith for another year of writing adventures. We're approaching the anniversary of when she reached out to offer her editing services. Is it five years already? The time continues to fly by.

I'm looking forward to another year featuring a magical writing partnership.

1 comment:

  1. Here's to another year of spinning stories and exchanging plot bunnies, writing partner! Judging by the list of ideas we have for future stories, that creative well we've been dipping from is deeper than ever. I wish I could share details about what the next year will hold for our characters, but that would be a spoiler!

    The best part of being a beta is I get an advance peek of Penna's marvelous stories, and I can personally attest to the delectable goodness of the box of chocolates she's prepared for you to enjoy. Prepare yourselves for a gourmet feast!
