A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
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Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Love Is in the Air

Valentine's Day is nearly here. What better time to pause and celebrate the importance of love in our stories! Thanks to the extended timelines in our series, we're able to create slow-burn relationships where love in many different guises can be explored. Cupid's arrow has not always been directed toward couples desiring sexual love. Love that is familial or platonic in nature is just as important as romantic love.

That said, in Caffrey Conversation, many of the characters have already formed intimate relationships. Among the straight couples whose relationships began during our stories are Neal and Sara, Michael and Angela, Mozzie and Janet, and Aidan and Keiko. Non-straight couples are represented by Diana and Christie, Travis and Richard, and Henry and Eric.

A potential example of asexual love is the connection between June and Cyrus in Arkham Files. They have slowly been drifting closer to each other over the course of the previous several stories. There's a level of comfort and closeness in their relationship which could be defined as asexual romance. In the case of Mozzie and Lavinia, it is difficult at this stage to know what type of romance, if any will develop. The concept of sexuality as understood by humans may not exist with Meropians. Whatever develops between Mozzie and Lavinia will no doubt be unique.

In canon episodes of Supernatural, romance is usually fleeting. The constancy of the familial love Dean and Sam experience for each other, their parents, and Bobby is contrasted with their brief intimate relationships. In my crossover series Crossed Lines, I've changed the parameters. Dean and Sam have been dating Chloe and Maia for over six months in their timeline, a new record! Moreover, the guys are warming up to the idea that the women's witchcraft makes them valuable partners not only in the bedroom but on the job—a promising sign for long-lasting commitments.

Will romance come to Jack in my Six-Crossed Knot series? Since he's now a vampire, it may be bittersweet. If he falls in love with a warmblood or a daemon, he'll risk the wrath of the Congregation, not to mention Andrew Hubbard. Intimacy with another vampire carries a different set of dangers, particularly for someone like Jack who has secrets to shield. Up to now, Jack's love interests have all been familial in nature—the Roydons, his friends, and, of course, his dog Mop. As of Walking Shadows, Jack has yet to experience romantic love, but for newborn vampires, passions are easily inflamed and particularly difficult to control. Cupid is eyeing Masque, the next story in the series, and has a quiver full of arrows. Jack is a tempting target, but he isn't the only one. Deborah Harkness included non-straight couples in her novels. In Six-Crossed Knot, Leonard and Bryn are queer vampires. Bryn is currently in a relationship with Freyja, who is Philippe's daughter. Leonard is, as they say, looking for love. Cupid believes he'll soon find it.

In Tales from the Library, the romance between the two main characters, Irene and Kai, is still, for the most part, under the surface. Although Kai is more than ready to take it to the next level, Irene represses her undoubted attraction to Kai. The primary hurdle is their working relationship. As his supervisor and mentor, she believes physical intimacy is inappropriate. Adding to her quandary are the many mysteries surrounding Kai. In my next story, Merlin's Cave, some of her questions about him will be answered.

Valentine's Day has already been included in a couple of my stories, The Mirror (Caffrey Conversation) and Knot of One (Six-Crossed Knot). It will also be featured in upcoming stories. In Arkham Files, Neal Carter and his friends will celebrate the holiday in a story which I'll post in June—Standing Stones. As for Neal and Sara, their turn comes in July when I'll post Progress of Love.

This is Penna's third year to participate in the Chocolate Box Exchange. Stories will be revealed on Valentine's Day, February 14, with authors revealed on February 21. Several lucky recipients will receive Penna's delectable stories. I've also drawn a heart around February 20. That's the day Penna and I formed our writing partnership. This year marks our 6th anniversary. Making big heart eyes at you, Penna, and here's to love in all its permutations!

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