A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
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Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Challenge of Elizabeth Burke

It’s Father’s Day, so I’m writing about Elizabeth Burke. Odd choice? Perhaps. She did set up Neal’s first Father’s Day with Peter early in Caffrey Disclosure, so that’s part of my angle.

The strong marriage between El and Peter is an element I loved from White Collar and kept for my AU, but I soon hit the same challenge that plagued the show’s writers: How do you keep her relevant and involved in the stories without pulling silly stunts?

Warning for spoilers for stories in the Caffrey Conversation AU.

One way to achieve it is to give El a career more conducive to involvement in her husband’s cases. Silbrith is taking that route with the spinoff Arkham Files series, and you can read about El’s new role in the Elizabeth Wayland Burke post. However, that didn’t occur to me for the Caffrey Conversation, so I kept her canon job.

In my first story in the AU, Elizabeth is only starting to think about opening an event planning business, and I use that. Her first official event is Neal’s birthday party in Caffrey Flashback, and she holds a party for Peter’s team in Caffrey Disclosure. Those two events keep her involved with Neal’s family and with the White Collar team.

Also in the first story, El acts as a sounding board and counselor for Peter. She’s the one who recommends that Peter talk to Neal about why he’s a criminal – that’s right, the “Caffrey Conversation” was her idea. She also gets involved in the conversation, talking to Neal about what he’s doing and why. Her involvement goes further as she meets Neal’s family and connects with them. Neal’s grandmother talks about her efforts to keep Neal’s grandfather from turning into a stuffy old man, and that’s something El can relate to. She doesn’t want Peter to turn into a stuffy old FBI manager, and she takes inspiration from Neal’s exuberant family. El encourages Peter to embrace his crazy side, occasionally meeting Neal half-way in his wild schemes.

In an inspired moment, Silbrith decided El needed a hobby and got her involved in community theater. That move introduced us to costume designer Janet. Since then, El has reached out to Janet several times to help Peter. For instance, Janet came to the rescue when the team needed to go undercover at a gaming convention in The Woman in Blue. El involved Janet again when Peter needed a disguise to meet with Neal at Columbia during a case. This has built on a joke I started in By the Book, where we learned that Elizabeth is a fan of Jane Austen. Peter isn’t into costume dramas as such, but does appreciate the movies that put his wife in a romantic mood. Peter would prefer to avoid costumes, and El teases him in Caffrey Disclosure by suggesting they should go to a Renaissance festival someday. Poor Peter’s horror was a fun moment.

Going back a moment to El’s romantic spirit, another role I gave her was that of matchmaker. In canon she sometimes commented on Neal’s romances and flirtatious character. In the AU she goes even further. She’s the first to suggest that Noelle Caffrey Winslow and Peter’s brother Joe Burke make a good couple, and the end result is a marriage connecting the Caffrey and Burke families – and a wedding where El’s professional role of event planner is easily relevant. She also offers advice to Neal’s girlfriend Fiona about what it’s like to be involved with an FBI employee. The budding romance between Mozzie and Janet is another plot element that keeps Elizabeth involved.

I also magnified another canon element: El’s love of music. We know from the TV show that she’s a jazz fan, which is the source of Satchmo’s name. I pulled on the music element first in Choirboy Caffrey, when Peter describes a case involving a group called Local Devastation. In that phone call, El is able to provide perspective about a group of musicians Peter had never heard of. In Caffrey Disclosure we learn that one of El’s college roommates works in radio and had introduced El to many styles of music. As the story progresses, we see Elizabeth slowly uncovering something Peter was blind to – the fact that Neal and his cousins are posing as the group Urban Legend. Elizabeth is there as Peter learns the truth, and encourages Neal to open up about why he kept his musical skills a secret.

Although I don’t think of El as a mother figure to Neal the way that Peter is a father figure, I do think it’s in her nature to be a nurturer. She recognizes Neal’s need for family and connections to keep him grounded, and works to help him gain and keep those connections. She’s also the one who arranges for Neal and Peter to spend Father’s Day together. So, Happy Father’s Day, everyone. If you’re not able to enjoy the day with your own father or father figure, I invite you to join Neal and Peter.

Father's Day chapter of Caffrey Disclosure on FF.net
Father's Day chapter of Caffrey Disclosure on AO3


  1. I like what you've done with Elizabeth in trying to keep her relevant. I especially like the theater angle, allowing us to see under the calm exterior. She reminds me at times of a rather refined Maggie the Cat from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
    It was tough in the show, their marriage and relationship was one of the best parts and I was very unhappy with what they did with it at the end, IMHO El, along with Peter, went way OOC not only in their relationship with Neal and Mozzie but with each other, but I digress. As you say, it's hard to bring El into the stories organically; with June, she at least has a rather checkered past with Byron and that allows her to step in and take a hand in things more shady; El doesn't have that luxury due to her husband's position, and I wouldn't want her to become a Ms. Marple nor do I think she would savor that role in her husband's life. I think one of the things still setting her apart a bit compared to the other main characters is that we haven't really seen El's family one, and two, El has always been, well El; very steady, very sensible and always an adult. She adores her husband, she has a good life and she gets to meet all these wonderful people and well, it's all rather conflict free isn't it? Of course, she definitely worries about Peter and Neal with the dangers of their job, I'm not saying she's not deep, just that often she comes up with the right answer the first time, actually pretty much every time and is rarely thrown off balance. One of my favorite eps from the show was the one not long after her kidnapping where she and Mozzie teamed up to solve a neighborhood mystery. He did it because he felt guilty I think for the part he played in her kidnapping and because Mozzie really would understand paranoia and because he was her friend. El was off balance and wanted to beat a bad guy to prove to herself that she could, she got away from Keller, but this was different, in that ep this was a mystery and she needed to win. Of course at the end she then she sensibly decides she really does need to talk to someone about her ordeal and off she goes to counseling. That's what I mean, El is very sensible and almost self reliant, reminds me a lot of Alex in Modern Family (if you've never seen it she's the smart, sensible, steady middle child that almost seems to have raised herself lol). Maybe El needs to be knocked off her stride so that she can shine? Maybe we need to see her really get angry. I believe Mitchell can be a Scottish surname? I don't know if your El is Scottish but if she is, perhaps it's time to let a bit of the Celt out? El, I think is a force to be reckoned with not just because she's a smart cookie but because she's a fierce smart cookie who could give Peter or even Neal a run for their money as a Mastermind for an op. She has the brains, the cool intellect and the savvy and I don't think you want to make her angry. She's not FBI, she doesn't have to play nice only insofar as it might hurt Peter's career chances, but if anything ever happened to Peter well than heaven help the fool who hurt her man. lol I also like that she isn't a mother figure or step mother to Neal, although I'm not sure how he views El. She's not another aunt or a 'sister' but she's not just Peter's wife. It might be a good thing for Neal to see El's temper and savvy as well. I can see everyone being quite shocked and having to reassess, everyone that is except for Peter and I suspect, June. I think June might have a better idea of what's underneath the calm facade than the others because she wears a mask too. I think both women do so by choice, but still waters run deep so they say. Anyway, continued thanks for the stories and the thought you put into them.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts. I agree things seemed out of kilter toward the end of WC. Interesting how much you liked the Neighborhood Watch episode. I heard it was a least favorite of many fans, probably because giving El a bigger role meant diminished screen time for Peter and Neal, and yet what you describe makes perfect sense, about her need for a victory over a criminal after her kidnapping.

      I'm fascinated with your idea of El losing her temper. That's something I want to brainstorm with Silbrith to see when it would best fit within upcoming stories.
