A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
Banner: Will Quinn

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

When a Bunny Becomes a Rabbit

Angela Caffrey has been associated with bunnies since her first appearance. (See last week's post on Angela Caffrey). When I decided to feature Angela in a Crossed Lines story, I was faced with a quandary. Should Angela remain Funny Bunny, as her grandmother nicknamed her, or was she ready to go dark side?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Angela Caffrey

One of the differences between Caffrey Conversation and White Collar is that Penna created an extended family of Caffrey relatives for Neal. His older cousin Henry has been featured in many stories In my latest story, Dark Rabbit, it's time to show some love for the youngest Caffrey cousin—Angela.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Chocolate Box 2018

Last year I participated in the AO3 Chocolate Box exchange, and when it completed I decided I definitely wanted to sign up again in 2018. Now that authors for this year's exchange have been revealed, I can finally post links to my stories and share tidbits about the experience. Each time, participating in this challenge meant writing pairings and even fandoms I'd not written before. It was so much fun, Silbrith probably wondered if I was ever going to stop sending her stories to beta. Seriously, I wrote seven stories in a month. Silbrith had no idea what she was getting into when she offered her beta services. (Thanks, Silbrith!)

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

A Herculean Effort

With all of the coverage of the winter Olympics recently, I've wondered if I should try to make a link between that competition and our stories.

The only direct link is in By the Book, when Henry says that during the most recent winter games he became a fan of curling. But indirect links? We certainly have competitive characters, many of whom are in excellent physical condition. Those, however, didn't inspire me to write a post for our blog. What did inspire me was... Silbrith!