A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Arkham Files: Slimed

In my next Arkham Files story, Neal Carter, Sara, and Henry will pay a return visit to their friends in New York City. Six months have elapsed since their previous meeting. That experience was chronicled in Chaos Conundrum. Back then, only Mozzie and Diana met with Arkham Neal and Sara. The encounter was particularly life-changing for Mozzie. He accompanied Neal and Sara back to Arkham where he was recruited to be an auxiliary member of a new intergalactic league formed by Senior Librarian Coppelia. During the visit, Mozzie was injected with the rare element algolnium. He can travel through both Celaenian wormholes and the graviton tunnels created by an interdimensional library. His mission is to monitor for signs of chaos on Earth.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Arkham Files: Strange Signals

Neal Carter has now known for a year that he's an alien hybrid. After the initial shock of discovering that his mother had Celaenian DNA and his father was a shapeshifting Meropian, life hasn't been too bad. Neal looks completely human. True, he has an aura but only a few alien species can see it. His sensitivity to algolnium isn't likely to cause any issues since only a few colleagues know of the element's existence.