A conversation about the writing journey of Penna and Silbrith.
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Friday, February 3, 2023

Valentine Treats

In Caffrey Conversation, Mozzie celebrates Valentine's Day by issuing a special blend of his honey wine. I like to issue stories instead. I posted my latest valentine today: Puzzle in Pink in the Ghostnet series. Love is in the air for the residents of Drexford. Or is it? Readers of the previous Ghostnet story, Grinch in the Night, know that a mysterious entity identified by their gaming avatar of Morgana le Fay has taken perverse delight in teasing Tess and her friends. Are magical forces at work once more?

In Caffrey Conversation, I celebrated Valentine's Day in The Mirror and Progress of Love. In Arkham Files, the occasion was marked in Standing Stones. Mozzie claims his wine acts as a soothing balm for whatever stresses you may have. My Valentine's Day scenes have the same goal. They give the characters and readers a fluffy break from tense elements in the stories.

In Six-Crossed Knot, Valentine's Day occurs in Knot of One. There, the only tension is between Matthew and an eight-year-old waif named Jack. In that story, the holiday is the secret ingredient allowing them to achieve a new closeness.

Penna has celebrated the past several Valentine's Days by gifting us stories through the Chocolate Box Exchange. This year I'm participating as well. The folks running Chocolate Box needed to take a break this year, so a kind person volunteered to moderate a one-year replacement called Candy Hearts Exchange. Our stories will be published anonymously on February 14. We'll have more about them once the authors are revealed on February 21. Links to Penna's previous Chocolate Box stories are on her blog page Chocolate Box & Other Diversions.

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